Posts Tagged ‘World Powers’

New York’s gun-grabbing mayor Michael Bloomberg told Piers Morgan the other night that police around the country should go out on strike until the American people stop practicing their right to own firearms.

Actually, this is one of Bloomberg’s better ideas. Short of directing traffic and filling out paperwork at automobile accidents, the police serve little purpose. Police officialdom readily admits cops do not have an obligation to protect citizens. Citizens well armed and trained in firearm use are far better at protecting their families and property than the police.

Prior to the mid-1800s, Americans were expected to protect themselves and each other. The organized and bureaucratic gangs supported by the state we now call “police” would have been considered a standing army. “The notion of a police force in those days was abhorrent in England and America,” writes Peter Kasler.

Not only are the cops unable and legally not required to protect citizens, they now are often the number one threat to them right behind criminals.

This was demonstrated last week in Anaheim, California, when the police attacked citizens protesting the murder of two people by cops. The police shot rubber bullets and unleashed dogs on the angry protesters. After the brutality was captured on cell phones, the police went into damage control mode and offered to buy the video. Instead, the video went viral on the internet.

Following the attack in Anaheim, activists posted images of the “non-lethal” munitions used by the cops. The police used eXact iMpact 40mm Sponge rounds developed by the U.S. Army Research laboratory.

“The eXact iMpactTM 40 mm Sponge Round will prove most successful for incapacitation when used within its optimal energy range of approximately 5 – 36 meters,” a document issued by the manufacturer, Safariland, explains. It induces “sufficient pain stimulus” and is designed to “enhance chemical munitions, or targeting specific agitators and organizers of the crowd” exercising their First Amendment right to protest against police violence.

It’s too bad the cops will not follow Bloomberg’s advice. If they did, attack dogs would not be unleashed on children and citizens wouldn’t be shot in the back with “sponge” bullets developed by the Pentagon. If the cops went away, people would get back to their roots and rediscover the responsibility of self-defense instead of relying on a parasitical state to not protect them from criminals both in and out of government.



George W. Bush was clearly a mentally-challenged puppet of the military/banking/oil elite. The policies put it in place at breakneck speed after 9/11 were provably predetermined by think tanks well in advance. Not that other presidents were any less controlled by this hidden agenda, but there was a noticeable in-your-face quickening of corporate-government tyranny under Bush.

These policies like wars of aggression, illegal surveillance of Americans, torture of detainees indefinitely held without formal charges, unfair “free trade” agreements, and bank bailouts rightfully enraged many progressives during the Bush years. Yet, not only have these policies accelerated under Obama, even more of the draconian playbook is unfolding.


After 8 years of Bush’s reign that ended with a record low presidential approval rating in the low 20s, Obama’s promise of hope and change inspired many beyond mainline progressives. His campaign speeches were so powerful that they landed him the Nobel Peace Prize without having done anything for world peace except to offer the idea in order to get elected. As a Constitutional law professor and attorney, Obama appeared to have a greater understanding of rights and the balance of power than did flunky Bush.

Although policies being implemented under Obama’s leadership exhibit the continuation of Bush’s tyrannical agenda, his stunning betrayal of populist and Constitutional principles in support of these actions makes him the ultimate hypocrite. Additionally, because Obama is a much more influential orator than Bush, his service to the puppet masters is far more dangerous to the American people he’s supposed to serve.

There have been many articles written about Obama’s unkept promises and outright lies, but here are 10 actions that prove Obama is just as bad if not worse than Bush:

Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush’s watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary.  Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well.  All said,Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama’s cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems:  doesn’t break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn’t remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns.  The inmates are too clearly running Obama’s asylum.

Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the “haves and have mores” his “base.” But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor.  Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education.  However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the “jobs” bill HIREwas nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can’t find work to pay them off.  So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans — which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way.  Obama also extended Bush’s tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.




Expansion of Free Trade: Obama excoriated NAFTA, GATT and other so-called “Free Trade” agreements that were put in place under Clinton and Bush (with CAFTA). One of Obama’s campaign mailers to Ohioans read “one million jobs have been lost because of NAFTA, including nearly 50,000 jobs here in Ohio.”  And Obama told unions that “he has always opposed NAFTA, and said the trade deal should be amended and renegotiated.”  It is abundantly clear that free trade agreements have not done well for American manufacturing and its workers (just like Obama told us during his campaign).  These free trade agreements are designed to only help the multinational corporations who wrote them, and who Obama now works for.  In contrast to being “opposed” to such agreements, the government moves forward with many new similar agreements.

Escalating Wars of Aggression:  Whoever thought it couldn’t get worse than Bush in regards to wars of aggression — especially by a Nobel Peace Prize recipient — have been proven dead wrong. Obama has now unilaterally attacked more countries than Bush, notably bombing inside Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya without Congressional approval. Obama is worse than war-mongering Neocons because he moved the war bar from requiring a real or manufactured threat to justify American military intervention, to vague humanitarian justifications. In other words, if a secular dictator is stamping out a handful of jihadists that threaten his regime, we will now bomb the dictator and support the jihadists when it serves corporate interests. By all counts Obama is serving the same military/oil masters no matter what labels or excuses are given.  It is truly a hideous display to watch progressives support Obama’s wars as if they’re more righteous than Bush’s.

Torture and Sport Killing: Bush accepted some blame for the Abu Ghraib torture debacle. Rightly so, as it was his Administration that set forth more enhanced interrogation permissions down the chain of command that ultimately resulted in such disgusting behavior.  Obama used the notion of closing Guantanamo prison to score political points and to appear as “anti-torture.”  Not only does Guantanamo remain open two years into his presidency, the detainees have less rights than they did under Bush.  Additionally, Obama has allowed the torture of American soldier Bradley Manning simply for being a suspected whistleblower.  If he allows this type of treatment to an American citizen, we can only imagine the tactics that are still being used against enemy detainees.  If it’s fair to blame Bush for Abu Ghraib, then it seems fair to blame Obama for allowing an environment where the U.S. military is engaged in sport killing of innocent civilians — which also seems to negate his calls for humanitarian purity in other nations.

Illegal Domestic Surveillance:   It seems the monster surveillance-industrial complex that was kicked off under Bush remains in full swing under Obama.  Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney FISA-telecom immunity after vowing to support a filibuster of it while he was a Senator.  Glenn Greenwald reported: “So candidate Obama unambiguously vowed to his supporters that he would work to ensure ‘full accountability’ for ‘past offenses’ in surveillance lawbreaking.  President Obama, however, has now become the prime impediment to precisely that accountability, repeatedly engaging in extraordinary legal maneuvers to ensure that ‘past offenses’ — both in the surveillance and torture/rendition realm — remain secret and forever immunized from judicial review.” And Carol Rose added, “The link between secrecy and surveillance is critical: in effect, our government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing the power of citizens to watch their government – the very antithesis of democracy.”  It’s telling how out of control illegal surveillance has become when private foreign companies are hired to spy on American environmental activists.  This is in addition to the TSA’s roll-out of naked body scanners and intrusive pat-downs selectively enforced at airports and fiercely defended by Obama’s DHS.

Rule of Law is Dead: The Rule of Law is an ancient concept that means a society is governed by rational, objective written laws, as opposed to the personal whim or arbitrariness of some king. Under this pretext, no one is above the law, not even kings.  Yet, we have seen this concept steadily erode from reality over many decades, but not so blatant as under George W. Bush whose team permanently subverted the rules in favor of the elite. Under Bush and now Obama, the corporate elite clearly get away with massive crimes against humanity and overwhelming fraud, while the little people are still routinely punished for all minor offenses.  With not even a hint of punishment, banks can openly loot and defraud the public, the government can spy on Americans, the TSA can grope our private parts, while large corporations continue to poison us and the environment with impunity.  The Feds, under Obama, have even raided legal medical marijuana dispensaries and private organic cooperatives.  In addition, Obama signed an Executive Order to indefinitely detain ”terror” suspects even after acquittal — while other lawmakers seek to remove Miranda Rights.  Who is prosecuting these crimes and injustices?  When the criminal corporations with their government partners continue to run the system, there will be no rule of law, or justice.

Free Speech Restrictions: Bush mainly used fear, intimidation, access and fake reporters to control the establishment message.  He and the media cartel acted in concert to sell gigantic lies to the public.  Now, as more people replace their television service with the Internet, “news” has been more difficult for the establishment to control.  As the global awakening takes place, the crackdown on free speech intensifies under Obama.  The crackdown has been most obvious on the Internet (see next section) and on peaceful protesters.  In a comically hypocritical moment that exemplifies how tyrannical this administration has become, Hillary Clinton was giving a speech about supporting the right of peaceful protesters while her security thugs violently removed a “veteran for peace” from the audience for standing in silent protest.  Additionally, there was an absolute police state put in place during the 2009 G20 meeting in Pittsburgh to shut down peaceful protests.  Finally, we know what direction the current Administration is headed in terms of free speech, given the recent White Papers revealing their desire to “outlaw” or “tax” conspiracy theories, and to make it a felony offense to share copyrighted information even when no money is involved.

Internet Rights Eroding: The open and free Internet is under full assault under Obama’s leadership.  It has become obvious that there has never been much in the way of Internet privacy, especially since the Patriot Act went into full effect. But now, free access to information via the Internet is the target of legislation such as The Protecting Cybersecurity as a National Asset Act, aka the “Internet Kill Switch” bill, and the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), aka the domain “Blacklist” bill.  The free Internet is also being threatened by market-based “net neutrality” agreements, civil lawsuits, technical censorship via search engines, and yes, blogging taxes too.  Finally, the DHS has been arbitrarily seizing domain names, which is clearly unconstitutional.  Given that Obama is completely in bed with Google and others in the corporate information cartel, you can bet he will show his support for these endeavors even if only by remaining silent as they are debated then implemented.

Obamacare Fascism:  Even many progressives view Obamacare as a purely fascist policy. When a progressive tries to defend Obamacare these days, the best argument they can give is “at least Obama tried to fix the problem.” It’s their way of subtly deflecting blame to Bush for ignoring it because he was too busy “smokin’ turrurists outta their holes”.  Healthcare reform was meant to increase competition and affordable coverage for all Americans. Yet, the private insurance monopolies remain and citizens are mandated to buy from them under penalty of jail, while 1000 of the most connected corporations are exempt from the law.  Furthermore, the FDA remains under the full control of Big Pharma/Chemical giants and the giveaways to the drug companies have only increased.  Finally, when there are huge profits involved in deciding if people live or die, and budgetary rationing of services, you will always have “death panels.”  So, yes, the corporate government healthcare merger is complete with for-profit “death panels.” Folks, if you want to know what the modern-day definition of fascism is, you just read it.

We can sense the hate mail is coming from die-hard “team blue” fans here, but America doesn’t stand a chance without an honest assessment of what she represents and where she is heading under the policies outlined above.  The Bush-Obama evolution is as blatant as it gets that the current two-party system has morphed into one that would more properly be labeled The Corporatist Party.  We might do better to look beyond the two teams that so many root for, and realize that there is one central clubhouse from which they both operate.



PHOENIX – An investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched six months ago by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – has concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House last year as President Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery.  The investigative team has asked Arpaio, who is at a news conference in Phoenix live-streamed by WND TV that began at 3 p.m. Eastern time, to elevate the investigation to a criminal probe that will make available the resources of his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.


The posse says it has identified at least one person of interest in the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate.  Arapaio, known for his strict enforcement of immigration laws, commissioned the investigative team after local citizens presented him with a petition expressing concern that Obama might not be eligible for Arizona’s presidential ballot.

In addition to the live-streaming, WND is making available to the public a report distributed to media today by Arpaio’s investigators.  GET A FREE COPY OF THE ARPAIO REPORT THAT WAS DISTRIBUTED TO PRESS TODAY The posse, comprised of former law enforcement officers and lawyers with law enforcement experience, has interviewed dozens of witnesses and examined hundreds of documents. It also has taken numerous sworn statements from witnesses around the world. Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator, said his team believes the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records it may have in its possession.


“Officers of the Hawaii Department of Health and various elected Hawaiian public officials may have intentionally obscured 1961 birth records and procedures to avoid having to release to public inspection and to the examination of court-authorized forensic examiners any original Obama 1961 birth records the Hawaii Department of Health may or may not have,” Zullo said.

The investigators say the evidence contained in the computer-generated PDF file released by the White House as well as important deficiencies in the Hawaii process of certifying the long-form birth certificate establish probable cause that a forgery has been committed.


The investigation was launched after 250 members of the Surprise, Ariz., Tea Party, presented a signed petition to Arpaio in August 2011 asking him to undertake the investigation.

The Tea Party members petitioned under the premise that if a forged birth certificate was used to place Barack Obama on the 2012 Arizona presidential ballot, their rights as Maricopa County voters could be compromised. Arpaio believes a congressional investigation might be warranted and has asked that any information relevant to the investigation held by other law enforcement agencies be forwarded to his office. The Cold Case Posse advised Arpaio that they believe forgers committed two crimes. First, they say it appears the White House fraudulently created a forgery that it characterized as an officially produced governmental birth record. Second, the White House fraudulently presented to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate.


“A continuing investigation is needed to identify the identity of the person or persons involved in creating the alleged birth certificate forgery and to determine who, if anyone, in the White House or the state of Hawaii may have authorized the forgery,” Arpaio said. Among the evidence released at the press conference are five videos – which can be seen at the end of this article – to demonstrate why the Obama long-form birth certificate is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery. The videos consist of step-by-step computer demonstrations using a control document. They display the testing used by the investigators to examine various claims made by supporters of the April 27 document.


The investigators contend the videos illustrate their conclusion that the features and anomalies observed on the Obama long-form birth certificate were inconsistent with features produced when a paper document is scanned, even if the scan is enhanced by Optical Character Recognition, OCR, and optimized. Additionally, the posse says, the videos demonstrate that the Hawaii Department of Health Registrar’s name stamp and the registrar’s date stamp were computer-generated images imported into an electronic document, as opposed to rubber stamp imprints inked by hand or machine onto a paper document. “That we were able to cast reasonable suspicions on the authenticity of the registrar stamps was especially disturbing, since these stamp imprints are designed to provide government authentication to the document itself,” Zullo said, emphasizing that if the registrar stamps are forgeries, the document itself is likely a forgery.

The investigators also chronicled a series of allegedly inconsistent and misleading representations that various Hawaii government officials have made over the past five years regarding any original birth records held by the Hawaii Department of Health.


“As I said at the beginning of the investigation, the president can put all this to rest quite easily,” Arpaio said. “All he has to do is demand the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession.”

Arpaio emphasized that the Hawaii Department of Health needs to provide, as part of the full disclosure, evidence regarding the chain of custody of all Obama birth records, including paper, microfilm and electronic records to eliminate the possibility that a forger or forgers may have tampered with the birth records. The sheriff said the president should also authorize Honolulu’s Kapi’olani Hospital, the birth hospital listed on the Obama long-form birth certificate, to release any  hospital patient records for Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, his mother, and for the newly born Barack Obama, to provide corroboration for the records held in the Hawaii Department of Health vault.“Absent the authentic Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other credible proof supporting the idea or belief that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, as he and the White House have consistently asserted,” Zullo said.


“In fact, absent the authentication of Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other proof he was born anywhere within the United States.”

In addition, investigators say they have developed credible evidence that President Obama’s Selective Service card was a forgery, based on an examination of the postal date stamp on the document. Also, records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth.

Article courtesy of

Kurt Nimmo

Rep. Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, warns that the IRS will hire up to 16,500 new enforcers in the coming months to go after citizens who do not pay the new Obamacare tax. The expansion is said to include criminal investigators who “make cases” in order to levy penalties on scofflaws.

Brady cites a recent analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and staff at the House Ways and Means Committee. The report says the IRS will need a fresh crop of agents to examine and audit tax information mandated by Obama’s misnamed Affordable Care Act.

In January of 2011, Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed the IRS planned to hire 16,500 IRS agents to police Obamacare compliance. CNN reported at the time that the number cited by the Minnesota Congresswoman originated in a GOP committee report, based on a preliminary estimate from the Congressional Budget Office.

“When most people think of health care reform they think of more doctors exams, not more IRS exams,” Brady said. “Isn’t the federal government already intruding enough into our lives? We need thousands of new doctors and nurses in America, not thousands more IRS agents.”

Jim Kouri writes that nearly two dozen new tax increases will be levied under Obamacare, many of them hidden from the American people. Kouri also notes that compliance will add to the legendary annual headache Americans suffer every April 15. “In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of government approved health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes,” Kouri writes.

Characterizing Obamacare as a tax under the purview of the IRS is not mistake. The near mythical authoritarian power of the IRS will be used to make sure Americans do not challenge Obamacare and unquestioningly submit to its unprecedented intrusion.

“To even mention the name of this government institution can trigger waves of anxiety and stories of abuse and persecution that is unheard of for almost any other governmental body within this country,” writes Stock City News.

According to the noted polling service Rasmussen Reports, 43% of Americans fear the IRS more than the TSA. Only 20% feared the TSA more.

According to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, however, the Obamacare mandate is not a tax, although she told CNN the IRS would be the most effective enforcer.

“This is a penalty that will be assessed on the tax return if you choose to roll the dice and make us all pay for your being irresponsible and increase all of our health care costs,” she told Wolf Blitzer. “We’re not going to tolerate that any more in America. You have to be responsible and you have to pay a penalty if you choose not to be,” she warned.

Wasserman Schultz’s warning of IRS agents pursuing penalties is at odds with claims made by supporters of the legislation. For instance, in 2010, the Soros-funded disinformation project Think Progress claimed Republicans were fear-mongering the IRS aspect of the mandate. The website posted the video below. It shows IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman testifying before a House Ways and Means Committee hearing.

Shulman said the agency “won’t look behind” the “simple form” every American taxpayer will be required to submit in order to prove he or she has mandatory health insurance. This appears to be at odds with Wasserman Schultz’s comments about enforcement.

by Jack CashillEmail | Archive Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is the blockbuster “Deconstructing Obama.”

Exclusive: Jack Cashill reports on woman’s court filing based on myriad anomalies

If Barack Obama has an immediate eligibility problem, it is more likely to derive from the Social Security Number he has been using for the last 35 years than from his birth certificate.

Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.

Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention “that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.”

To acquire appropriate standing in court, Daniels has gone to the trouble of establishing herself as a valid write-in candidate for president. Before she is through, this 70-something mother of seven, who has been a licensed Ohio PI since 1995, may cause Obama more trouble than the Romney campaign.

Daniels started her investigation in August 2009. Given her profession, she has been able to access a variety of proprietary databases. What she learned without much trouble is that Obama has been using a Social Security Number with the prefix “042″ since 1986.

As she discovered, the “042″ number is reserved for the exclusive use of individuals who register in Connecticut. When she ran 10 sequential numbers before and after Obama’s, all returned with the documentation “issued 1977-1979 in CT.”

When Daniels ran the numbers immediately flanking Obama’s, she came to the firm conviction that Obama’s number was issued in March 1977 in Connecticut.

By all accounts, as Daniels thoroughly documents, Obama was then a 15-year-old living in Hawaii. There is no record of him even visiting Connecticut in or near this time frame.

To have gotten a Social Security card at this time Obama would have had to show up for a “mandatory in-person interview.” This could not have taken place in Connecticut. Obama’s sister, Maya, by contrast, uses a number appropriate for a Hawaiian resident.

Daniels checked other databases as well to validate her findings, including the Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles and the IRS. Yes, Obama used the 042 number to get a driver’s license when at Harvard and as recently as on his 2009 income tax return.

In her research, Daniels kept coming across what she calls a “marked anomaly,” one she had never seen before – multiple birthdates listed for the same person. The 08/04/1961 and 04/08/1961 variation made sense, but the frequent appearance of the year “1890″ did not.

The ample evidence Daniels gathered led her to believe that the 042 number Obama has been using “had previously been issued to another person,” one who lived in Connecticut between 1977 and 1979 and who was born in 1890.

This assertion can be verified. By law, the Social Security Administration will have kept on microfilm a copy of the original SS-5 application attached to a particular Social Security Number. Daniels, however, does not have access to that microfilm.

For this reason, Daniels has filed suit. “Defendant Husted, through this filing,” she argues, “has been made aware that the Democratic Candidate has been using a fraudulent Social Security Number, which would render Barack Obama ineligible under both the Ohio and U.S. Constitutions.”

Daniels asks the court, among other things, to issue an injunction against Obama’s name appearing on ballot until it is determined that he is using a proper Social Security Number.

Given the response of courts elsewhere, it is unlikely that Daniels will find satisfaction in Geauga County or from the Republican secretary of state.

What Daniels has done, however, is establish a paper trail so indisputably legitimate that even the most squeamish of conservative media will have a hard time finding fault.

The major media, of course, will not bother to look. It is up to our Beltway brethren to step up and ask some very basic questions of the president that they, through their timidity in 2008, helped elect. The Romney campaign cannot talk about this issue without their support.


By James Britpod |

A 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document entitled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” outlines a scenario which results in the death of 13,000 during the 2012 Olympics.

The first worrying prediction begins in 2012 when ‘the pandemic the world had been anticipating for years’, finally hits, infecting nearly 20 percent of world population and claiming 8 million lives. Due to this pandemic, the Rockefeller Foundation outlines how the public will welcome a more authoritative government and a tighter control across all aspects of life, including Biometric IDs for all citizens.

The 2012 London Olympics Bombing

In the document, the Rockefeller Foundation ‘predicts’ that the decade of 2010-2020 will be named “The Doom Decade”, because of a wave of terrorist attacks, natural disasters as well as civil uprisings and financial collapses.

The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.

Mirroring events in real life, the document also predicts that by 2015 a large share of the US’ armed forces are recalled from countries such as Afghanistan to be stationed domestically, apparently posse comitatus no longer being a concern.

In 2015, the U.S. reallocated a large share of its defense spending to domestic concerns, pulling out of Afghanistan—where the resurgent Taliban seized power once again.

As is happening right now, the document outlines how nations will lose power over their own finances due to massive debt, apparently handing over financial sovereignty to the banking technocrats.

But the document doesn’t just cover these topics. The growing mistrust in vaccines is covered in the Rockefeller document, where they state that due to corruption within national and global bodies such as WHO, “bogus” vaccines will result in mass deaths. According to the paper, the resulting mistrust in vaccines results in a large number of parents who avoid vaccination, which causes infant and child morality to rise to levels not seen since the 1970s.

In the context of weak health systems, corruption, and inattention to standards—either within countries or

from global bodies like the World Health Organization—tainted vaccines entered the public health systems of several African countries. In 2021, 600 children in Cote d’Ivoire died from a bogus Hepatitis B vaccine, which paled in comparison to the scandal sparked by mass deaths from a tainted anti-malarial drug years later. The deaths and resulting scandals sharply affected public confidence in vaccine delivery; parents not just in Africa but elsewhere began to avoid vaccinating their children, and it wasn’t long before infant and child mortality rates rose to levels not seen since the 1970s.

Technology becomes an increasing theater of battle in the Doom Decade, with cyber terrorism and hacking mafia organizations becoming more and more widespread. A worrying prediction outlined in the document covers “Bio-Hacking” where GMO and DoItYourself-Biotech push the Globalist’s love for Transhumanism forward.

Interestingly, not all of the “hacking” was bad. Genetically modified crops (GMOs) and do-it- yourself (DIY) biotech became backyard and garage activities, producing important advances. In 2017, a network of renegade African scientists who had returned to their home countries after working in Western multinationals unveiled the first of a range of new GMOs that boosted agricultural productivity on the continent.

Just as desired by Globalists for over a hundred years, the developed world begins to fall back into feudalism, with the gap between the rich and poor growing to levels not seen for hundreds of years as the middle class becomes extinct.

The rich moving into fortress like compounds, whereas the poor are forced to move into ghettos. By 2030, the document portrays the “developed” and “developing” nations to no longer be relevant or distinguishable.

Agenda 21

The report also outlines several Environmental scenarios stemming from Climate Change which include a new worldwide economic system based on Green Infrastructure by 2018.

The Foundation describes how the resulting collapse of society requires an exodus out of rural areas and into urban environments for survivability, a bizarre take on reality where those living in urban environments are far more restricted in being self sufficient than those in rural areas who have the ability to more easily grow their own food.

Another mirror to Agenda 21 is the documents prediction that only the very rich will have the ability to travel, as prices skyrocket and the restrictions in the name of security reach such high levels that the poor simply cannot travel from their communities.


As with other such documents such as those released by RAND and the MoD in the UK, these predictive papers are a window into the think-tanks who help shape world events. Where the documents are always portrayed as simple predictions, it is important to realize that many such papers have been eerily accurate in the past and thus must be considered when such events unfold in the near future.


Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
– The Rockefeller Foundation

Article from:


By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of


(NaturalNews) By now, we all know the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate portion of Obamacare by declaring it a “tax.” This is, in essence, a declaration that the federal government now has unlimited power to force consumers to spend some (or even all) of their take-home pay on various products, services or even intellectual property that they have no interest in buying in the first place. It is a concentration of economic power in the hands of the federal government, and it suddenly ends economic liberty in America (…).

It’s also the largest tax increase in the history of the United States. By upholding Obamacare’s individual mandate as a “tax,” Chief Justice Robert just labeled President Obama the largest tax increase President in the history of the country! (…)

And yet President Obama himself declared the individual mandate was NOT a tax. Here’s the video:

And here’s the transcript of his interview with George Stephanopoulos:…

But now, of course, Chief Justice Roberts has declared it IS a tax, after all. Thus, Obama’s key legislative achievement has become the single greatest legislative deception in the history of America.

How much will this new tax cost you? The Washington Post has published a handy online calculator:…

It shows that the new tax begins in 2014, then ramps up to its maximum penalty at 2016, at which point you are taxed year after year until you cave in and buy into the monopoly Big Pharma health insurance scam. This is, for the record, the largest tax increase in history. And it’s for a system of medicine which is a Big Pharma monopoly that doesn’t even give consumers the freedom to choose natural medicine or alternative therapies!

21 new taxes on Americans

The high court’s ruling leaves in place 21 tax increases in the health-care law costing more than $675 billion over the next 10 years, according to the House Ways and Means Committee. Of those, 12 tax hikes would affect families earning less than $250,000 per year, the panel said, including a “Cadillac tax” on high-cost insurance plans, a tax on insurance providers, and an excise tax on medical device manufacturers. (…)

Now that Obamacare’s penalty is a “tax,” not a “fee,” Mr. Obama is breaking a 2008 campaign pledge not to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $250,000. This new “tax” will hit across the economic spectrum, despite his campaign declaration that health care should “never be purchased with tax increase on middle-class families.” Now, Mr. Obama and congressional Democrats have enacted the largest tax increase in history.

Federal government can now order you to engage in selected commerce

For the record, under the precedent now set by the U.S. Supreme Court, the federal government can simply order you to engage in whatever commerce the government chooses. All they have to do is create a penalty for refusing to go along with their order, and characterize the penalty as a “tax.”

Ron Paul gets it. He understands the simple truth that the government has no power to compel people to engage in commerce. “The insurance mandate clearly exceeds the federal government’s powers under the interstate commerce clause found in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution,” writes Ron Paul. “This is patently obvious: the power to ‘regulate’ commerce cannot include the power to compel commerce! Those who claim otherwise simply ignore the plain meaning of the Constitution because they don’t want to limit federal power in any way. The commerce clause was intended simply to give Congress the power to regulate foreign trade, and also to prevent states from imposing tariffs on interstate goods. In Federalist Paper No. 22, Alexander Hamilton makes it clear the simple intent behind the clause was to prevent states from placing tolls or tariffs on goods as they passed through each state — a practice that had proven particularly destructive across the many principalities of the German empire.” (

Health insurance premiums will soar

Obamacare is going to absolutely shred the infrastructure of our medical system, it is going to send health insurance premiums soaring, it is going to dramatically expand the size and the scope of government, it is going to fundamentally alter the relationships between doctors and their patients and it is one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history. Not only that, it is also going to add about a trillion dollars to our national debt over the next decade. So no, the Obamacare decision is not good news. Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in American history, and now we are stuck with it.…

Huge political revolt now expected

What are the political ramifications of all this? Obamacare remains widely hated by much of the U.S. population — at least the portion of the population that actually works for a living — and this Supreme Court decision will likely ruffle even more feathers of taxpayers who are tired of being pick-pocketed by the federal government at every turn. While most people don’t mind paying some reasonable level of tax to the feds, having the government invade your take-home pay and start forcing you to spend it on things you may or may not want is another thing entirely.

Because of the backlash against this law, it seems almost certain that this Supreme Court decision will play right into the hands of Mitt Romney, who will now make repealing Obamacare the centerpiece of his election campaign. He has already stated, in the Weekly Standard, “If We Want to Get Rid of Obamacare, We’re Going to Have to Replace President Obama.” (…)

But even if Obama is replaced in the White House, the damage has already been done. With its decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has set a precedent of government control over private paychecks, and that precedent has fundamentally crushed economic freedom in America and opened the door to limitless taxes for everything imaginable. King George III couldn’t have done it better.

Nevertheless, based on this decision I now predict a sweeping victory for Republicans in the 2012 elections as a backlash against Obamacare. I’m not saying I support Romney or the Republicans, because I think all politicians are crooks for the most part, and I agree with Gov. Jesse Ventura that the two-party system is largely just two criminal gangs jockeying for power on how they can exploit the people they claim to represent. Whether it’s DemoCRIPS or ReBLOODlicans in power, they’re all political gangstas.

Even if Romney takes office next January, actually repealing Obamacare would be almost impossible to achieve, by the way. Unraveling bad laws is far more difficult than getting them passed in the first place. It would take a true taxpayer revolt to pull it off.

The American revolution just inched one step closer to reality

We may be headed for that sooner than you think, by the way. With this decision to seize control of the money right out of your own paycheck, the moral collapse of the U.S. government is now complete. Once this “tax” starts to come due, many taxpayers will be in a state of near revolt. That, coupled with the economic collapse heading our way from the EU, will bring many Americans to a point of financial desperation.

It is from such conditions that, historically, revolutions emerge. And that’s assuming we even make it to 2014 when the Obamacare tax is supposed to be levied on the American people. By some estimates, the U.S. government may suffer a crushing financial collapse between 2012 and 2015. If the government collapses, Obamacare and all the other bad laws go down with it: the Patriot Act, the DMCA, the NDAA, and so on. That’s the one interesting thing about human history: Every time governments become too large, too bloated and too deeply invested in crushing liberty, the People eventually rise up against the injustices and take their country back, starting with a clean slate (which eventually becomes corrupt a few years later, of course).

It is the cycle of human civilization… the rise and fall of civilizations. We are living in the time of the fall of the American empire, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Hope you’re ready to live in “interesting times,” because we all have a front row seat to history in the making.

Offices of two US Senators contradict statements of Special Operations Command


Steve Watson
June 29, 2012



The U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), part of the Department of Defense, has denied operating surveillance drones in two different states, issuing statements that have been proven to be completely false.

Headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, USSOCOM is the Unified Combatant Command charged with overseeing the various Special Operations Commands of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.

As reported by the open information advocacy group Public Intelligence:

Following our publication last week of a map of current and proposed Department of Defense drone activities within the U.S., several journalists with local publications around the country wrote articles regarding drone activities that were listed in their area.  David Brooks of the Nashua Telegraph wrote about the listing of New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington as the site of a USSOCOM drone activity involving small unmanned aerial vehicles including the Raven and Wasp.  Corey Pein of the Willamette Week wrote about a planned USSOCOM drone activity in Portland that was listed as utilizing the same types of drones.

The drone activity map was constructed using public U.S. Air Force presentations from 2010 and 2011 (image below). Portland, Oregon was listed as as a proposed drone site controlled by USSOCOM.

Department of Defense Caught Lying About Use Of Domestic Spy Drones socom drones portland

Public Intelligence notes that when the reporters contacted USSOCOM for clarification and further details, they were told that the information on the map was inaccurate and that USSOCOM does not operate drone bases in either area.

However, further investigation revealed that activities and exercises using surveillance drones in both areas were indeed carried out under the authority of USSOCOM in 2010 and 2009 respectively.

Furthermore, the use and storage of drones was confirmed by the offices of Senators in both states:

In New Hampshire, a local newspaper has now confirmed with the office of Senator Kelly Ayotte that in 2010, Navy Special Operations Forces utilized areas around Mt. Washington to conduct training operations using Wasp and Raven drones.  David Brooks of the Nashua Telegraph was further able to confirm via Army Lt. Col. James Gregory that similar exercises were also conducted in 2009 using the same types of drones.

In Oregon, the Willamette Week was able to confirm with the office of Sen. Ron Wyden that drones are currently stored in Portland for several military units in the area.

“If the military wishes to counter controversy from the increasing integration of drones into domestic airspace, then it may help to not make statements to press that are inaccurate or disproved by publicly available congressional reports.” the group notes, adding that USSOCOM “denied or misrepresented” its involvement in domestic drone activities and actively sought to shut down any exchange of information on the matter.

A recently uncovered Air Force document raised alarms over military use of spy drones in US skies. The document outlines how to circumvents privacy laws and clears the way for the Pentagon to use drones to monitor the activities of Americans.



Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

This call is from the Sunday, June 24th broadcast of the Alex Jones radio show. Jones announced that he only wanted to take calls from members of the military or police. A man identifying himself as a police officer named ‘Jim’ called in to report some startling information.


“We have been told that in October we need to be prepared for an event that will require us to use air and ground support, in conjunction with the military here.”

During the call Jim comes across as passionate, sincere and very shaken by the information he tries to share. After the commercial break, Jim gets choked up as he tries to convey his appreciation for what Alex Jones has tried to do in terms of waking people up in the effort to save the Republic from the clutches of the forces seeking to destroy it. Now, nearly in tears, Jim concludes by saying “This country’s dead Alex. It’s gone” before unexpectedly hanging up.